Reading the first two chapters of Art & Fear was refreshing and completely relatable. Especially in regard to this first semester taking an Art Tutorials class. This is the first opportunity to work on a project relating to any topic of our choosing.
'Exciting!' Yet, also terrifying.'
Any artist portraying their vision is always going to have a fear that their next work won't be as good as their last or they'll never get to the one gallery/museum they've set their dreams on.
This class brings about all those aspects of fear relating to our art work and their presentation. Right now our main focus is to work on our art, and that as an artist is what it's all about, always working on your art.
The topic of graduation came up stirring up other fields of fear I hadn't really taken into account before.
I know I enjoy working on my art but I normally, in a school setting have a main focus that drives that art. I also realize that in turn I am the only one holding back my own artwork; bringing the idea that, some of my worst art is still yet to come but then again if I never try I might never see my best. Tragic.
The process of stopping vs. quitting I found really interesting. Any one artist is always going to have different stopping points leading to their next idea or maybe even project. Quitting is finite. Quitting is the result of giving up. Dry spells are expected but the key is to always know it's the end it's just another beginning.