Last Friday was our midterm critique. Writing this post I feel just as nervous as I did presenting. If I could relive it or die, I'd choose death, not really, but yes. Nerves undoubtedly got the better of me. I didn't think it would be as difficult to get my thoughts across in such a short, stressful period but it was more so than I could've imagined. I feel I had sufficient work for the course period, including bits and pieces not displayed. Advertising has definitely been an underlying theme I've been working on but I agree there's a need for a clearer point. More research into 'why' is a key part missing. Overall it went worse than I would have liked but I was prepared to hear it all. I know that the message of the work isn't all there just yet and I'm hoping it will come across for the final. The question of who my work is for is still up in the air. I don't think you have to be a kid necessarily to enjoy an interactive coloring book because advertisement reaches all audiences. There's no doubt there's a lot of work to be done in these next few weeks and yes I'm fearful of another anxiety- stricken critique. Right now I feel as though I'm at a block. There's brainstorming taking place but no clear direction as to what I want to put work into next. As I said, lots of work is still ahead.
